Sunday 30 June 2013

Top 10 job interview tips:

Interview Tips # 1 Research the organization

Everyone gets nervous in interview. It’s a big occasion and you should be nervous. However if you start with some thorough research, you start to build a case in your own mind of why you should be sitting in that interview room or in front of a panel. Having some confidence is a solid first step to overcoming nerves.
You can actually tell a lot about an employer from the employment pages of their website. Things such as the values they have, how easy it is to find out about potential jobs and their responses to you when you apply, can all tell you about the way they handle their recruitment. This in turn may be a reflection of what it’s like to work there. If it’s friendly and easy to apply for a job, then chances are they have given some thought to why you would want to work for them.
The web is a such wealth of facts, but what you need to do, is turn this into information. You can look at annual reports, media releases and product and service information. Online directories have company information and Google indexes the latest media news and references from other sources. If a career page has an email contact for an employee, and invites contact, then do it. Often companies will use testimonials that way to attract new people. Use sites such as linked in to research companies.
When you look for this information, you are not just looking for a set of unrelated facts. You should be looking for reasons that you want to work for that employer. You’ll really impress the interviewer if you find some simple yet compelling reasons as to why you want to work for the employer and what appeals to you about the role.

Interview Tips # 2 Research the role

One thing that constantly surprises me is that how few people really have any understanding of the role that they are applying for. Job advertisements are partly to blame for this. They are often misleading. The person writing the advert is often not the person that you’ll be reporting to. Things always sound different on paper compared to what you will actually be doing in the role.
One of my clients recently applied for a job in the public sector. The position description said: “Building effective communication strategies with a variety of stakeholders and colleagues to ensure information exchanges are timely, accurate and useful.”
This is what this statement meant: “providing advice to staff and students on the status of their research applications.”
If you see something like the above, try to talk to someone who knows about the role. A good question to ask is “what does a typical day/week look like?” Once you know what’s expected of you, preparing for the interview is instantly easier.
Also important is a real insight into the role and the recruitment process. Dig deeper than the advertisement. Put a call through if a contact number is provided. You can find out which of the skills that the employer requires are actually the priority. You can determine what you can do without and importantly you can start to make yourself known (in a good way) to your future employer. Even if the advertisement doesn’t invite it, you can still contact the recruiter. If there are no contact details, be scrupulously polite, it usually means the employers are expecting a deluge of applications.
Ask them questions about the recruitment process, what the steps are, how long each step takes, and whether they’ve had many applicants. You’d be surprised at the information you’ll receive if you sound polite and interested.

Interview Tips # 3 Research yourself

Employers want you to be self aware. If you have any doubts about this buy the book “What do they Really Want“. OK it’s a blatant plug, but it contains information straight from an employer’s mouth. We interviewed 25 top employers to find out what they looked for when they hired and promoted staff. Every single one said they want people to understand what they can bring to a company.
So have a long hard look at what you have achieved, the way you have achieved that result and the skills you developed or demonstrated along the way.
This type of reflection helps you understand your strengths. It gives you confidence and helps you overcome nerves.

Interview Tips # 4 Interviewer Insight

No two interview processes are the same. Depending on the organization and the role, you could be interviewed by a recruitment consultant, the HR department, the line manager, all three individually, or any combination. Each will have a different agenda for the interview. This is important to remember as your approach with each should be slightly different.
The recruitment consultant is always the first screener. Their role is to match you to the employer’s requirements and sell you as an applicant. The consultant establishes their credibility with each good candidate they put forward to the employer. Take time to woo them, even if you think they don’t know their stuff (as is a common criticism). Their role is essentially a sales one: to sell you the job and, if they believe you are right for the role, to sell you to their client. Make the consultant’s role easier by focussing on your strengths and achievements and point out why you are a good match.
The HR consultant is usually the recruitment procedural expert. One of their jobs is to ensure the organization meets its legal requirements. They often set up the recruitment process and have a strong attachment to ensuring it is working. It’s a safe bet that you will face a more structured interview from them, than you will from a line manager. They are often the employer’s first screener and may need to sell you further, depending on their position and influence within the organisation.
The line manager will be the person who is most concerned about finding someone for the role. They may be a person down or not meeting their organisation’s objectives by being understaffed. In the interview it will be the line manager who has the greatest sense of urgency about filling the role. Focus on your workplace achievements when fielding their questions. Work hard to build a rapport with them. They will be assessing your fit for their team.
It may sound obvious but treat each interviewer as if they don’t talk to each other and know anything about you. You’d be amazed at how little communication sometimes goes on between each party.

Interview Tips # 5 Practice

Most organizations now use behavioural questions – which means they will be expecting you to provide specific examples of where you have demonstrated the skill they are seeking. See my tips on these for further information.
I strongly suggest practicing for an interview and seeking professional help. A professional is skilled at drawing examples out of you and finessing the ones you already have. However never rote learn your lines as you can never predict all the recruiter will ask. Memorising answers will make you stressed in the interview if you can’t recall what you want to say. Worse still, you may even be not be answering the questions the interviewer asks.

Interview Tips # 6 Build rapport

Be friendly. People like that!
One of the best ways to relax is to assume the interviewer is on your side. Good interviewers are not interested in tripping you up. In fact, most of them are on your side, or are at the very least they will be approaching the interview in a professional manner. It may even help to you to relax if you think of the interviewer as someone who wants you to do your best

Interview Tips # 7 Give yourself time

Leave plenty of time to get to the interview. Rushing breeds panic. No matter what excuse you have, lateness is noted. It creates a negative impression and it puts you behind immediately. Allowing waiting time for an interview gives you time to compose yourself, gather your thoughts and be mentally prepared.

Interview Tips # 8 Please be yourself

That is please be yourself. You will be doing yourself no favours if you try and suppress your personality, or pretend to be something that you aren’t.

Interview Tips # 9 Relax

While you think this may be the perfect job for you, it may be that it’s not. There are other jobs out there. If you keep this in mind then you’ll remove some pressure from yourself that this is your only chance to perform.
If you think the interview is going badly, relax and use it as practice for the next one. You never know, you could even recover if you take this approach.

Interview Tips # 10 An insider’s tip

The interview is just the formal means of assessing your suitability as a candidate. However you are not just assessed there. Each interaction you have with your future employer feeds into the bigger picture of their impression of you. Use this knowledge. Be polite and friendly with whomever you meet in the process from the very first phone call to the last goodbye to the receptionist on your way out.
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The Health Benefits of Coconut Water !!

The Health Benefits of Coconut Water !!
Coconut water was used as a “universal donor”, making it identical to human blood plasma. It was used in the Pacific War to save thousands of lives through Coconut IV’s, and emergency plasma transfusions.

Surprisingly, Coconut water is more nutritious than whole milk. Its crammed with Natural Sugars, Salts, and Vitamins to block out fatigue.

Coconut water could potentially be the greatest energy drink in the world, to top it off, it’s all-natural. Coconut water contains more potassium than the majority of energy drinks. The chloride it holds is at 118g, and it’s natural sugars extent to about 5mg.

Most importantly, coconut water contains less sodium than any other energy drink.

Top 5 Tips For Growing Out Your Hair:

1) Protect Your Ends. Never blow dry or use hot tools on your hair without applying a heat protecting serum first. Heat first sucks out moisture, then can burn the hair, causing it to break off. If you apply a serum, your natural moisture stays locked in and only excess serum will burn off. Also use low heat settings on your dryer. It’s better to take an extra ten minutes drying your hair then it take an extra 10 months to achieve your desired length.
2) Cut Down on Shampooing. I would recommend that no one should wash their hair more than 3 times a week. I know this gets tricky for super active girls. This doesn’t mean don’t get it wet; go ahead and rinse well and then condition the ends. The point of not shampooing everyday is so you don’t strip out the natural oils that keep your hair from getting dry and breaking.
3) Brush Your Hair Every Night. Remember Marcia Brady? “100 brushes every night!” This practice goes hand and hand with not washing. Natural oils accumulate at the root of your hair and make you feel the need to shampoo. Using a natural bristle brush, (I suggest a Mason Pierson; spendy, but worth it in the long run) brush from the scalp to the ends, distributing all the oils at the scalp down to your dry ends. This helps make your roots less oily, your ends less dry and less likely to break or split. An added bonus is that this is a very relaxing ritual before bed, especially if you’re lucky enough to have someone do it for you!
4) Treat Your Hair. Once a week give your hair a deep treatment. There are so many different types of hair and hair treatments, but if your goal is to grow, the biggest thing to remember is moisture at the ends! If the ends don’t break, the hair gets longer. Notice that even if your hair is fried, you still need to get your roots touched up? Your hair never stops growing, but if the ends are breaking it will stop getting longer. I like to use a nice oil, such as jojoba, almond, or coconut oil. After shampooing, towel try and apply oil, mid shaft to ends. Twist hair up in a sleek bun or braid if you’re headed to work, or do the treatment before bed and rinse out in the morning. Even left in for just an hour makes a huge difference to your ends.
5) Put Away the Scissors. The number one way to help your hair grow fast is, DON”T CUT IT! So many people think they need to get regular 4-6 week trims even when they are trying to grow their hair long. Trimming is only needed if you have extremely split ends that keep breaking further and further up the hair shaft. My advice is, get a good initial shaping so that the hair falls nicely as it grows. After that, only trim when you see several split ends. Practice the other four tips and you won’t even need to trim because there won’t be any splits!
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Many people live their lives with healthy lungs and always fall prey to respiratory problems, and others smoke for 45 years, and there are still.

Not bring more mysteries than a regime of 3 days to give your lungs cleaning need. These steps will help.

It eliminates all dairy products two days before starting to clean. Dairy products may interfere with the detoxification process, since they are slowly digested by the body. The body must rid of toxins from dairy products much before starting to clean the lungs.

Drink 1 cup of herbal laxative tea before going to bed the night before the first day of regime. This frees the system of toxins in the intestines that may tend to begin a constipation. The lungs must not be overloaded work with locks in any part of the body during cleaning.

Squeeze 2 whole lemons in 300 milliliters of water before breakfast. This will prepare you to digest alkalizing foods that help the lungs to regenerate.

Drinking 300 milliliters of juice of grapefruit in the snack. If you don't like the taste of the juice, mix it with a bottle of mineral water or replace it with pineapple juice. These juices contain natural antioxidants that promote a healthy respiratory system.

Drinking 300 milliliters of pure carrot juice between breakfast and lunch. Carrot juice will help alkalize your blood during the 3 days of cleaning.

You have to drink 400 milliliters of a potassium-rich juice with lunch. Potassium is a powerful agent that acts as a tonic for cleaning when ingested in liquid form. It squeezed carrot, celery, spinach, parsley. A true disgust that changes your life.

400 Milliliters of cranberry juice drink before bedtime. It helps to fight bacteria in the lungs that can cause infections. Blueberries are powerful antioxidants.

Care of the body and exercise
A hot bath for 20 minutes every day. It is important to allow the body to lose toxins through perspiration as much as possible.

Once the day walks brisk. Walking promotes healthy breathing. As you walk, you focus on breathing slowly and fully. It keeps the pace.

Place 5 to 10 drops of eucalyptus in hot water. Then you put a dry towel on the back of the head and inhale the steam until the water is no longer hot. The properties of oil and steam can help loosen the mucus.

There may be many things that you can not afford in this regime to clean the lungs. If this is your case, limit yourself to carrot juice, juice of cranberry and walk for a week. They are the three pillars along with:

Don't smoke
Avoid caffeine
Consult your doctors

Many people live their lives with healthy lungs and always fall prey to respiratory problems, and others smoke for 45 years, and there are still.

Not bring more mysteries than a regime of 3 days to give your lungs cleaning need. These steps will help.

It eliminates all dairy products two days before starting to clean. Dairy products may interfere with the detoxification process, since they are slowly digested by the body. The body must rid of toxins from dairy products much before starting to clean the lungs.

Drink 1 cup of herbal laxative tea before going to bed the night before the first day of regime. This frees the system of toxins in the intestines that may tend to begin a constipation. The lungs must not be overloaded work with locks in any part of the body during cleaning.

Squeeze 2 whole lemons in 300 milliliters of water before breakfast. This will prepare you to digest alkalizing foods that help the lungs to regenerate.

Drinking 300 milliliters of juice of grapefruit in the snack. If you don't like the taste of the juice, mix it with a bottle of mineral water or replace it with pineapple juice. These juices contain natural antioxidants that promote a healthy respiratory system.

Drinking 300 milliliters of pure carrot juice between breakfast and lunch. Carrot juice will help alkalize your blood during the 3 days of cleaning.

You have to drink 400 milliliters of a potassium-rich juice with lunch. Potassium is a powerful agent that acts as a tonic for cleaning when ingested in liquid form. It squeezed carrot, celery, spinach, parsley. A true disgust that changes your life.

400 Milliliters of cranberry juice drink before bedtime. It helps to fight bacteria in the lungs that can cause infections. Blueberries are powerful antioxidants.

Care of the body and exercise
A hot bath for 20 minutes every day. It is important to allow the body to lose toxins through perspiration as much as possible.

Once the day walks brisk. Walking promotes healthy breathing. As you walk, you focus on breathing slowly and fully. It keeps the pace.

Place 5 to 10 drops of eucalyptus in hot water. Then you put a dry towel on the back of the head and inhale the steam until the water is no longer hot. The properties of oil and steam can help loosen the mucus.

There may be many things that you can not afford in this regime to clean the lungs. If this is your case, limit yourself to carrot juice, juice of cranberry and walk for a week. They are the three pillars along with:

Don't smoke
Avoid caffeine
Consult your doctor 

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*** 6 Health Benefits of Beetroots ***

*** 6 Health Benefits of Beetroots ***

Health benefits of Beetroots, Beetroots for healthy heart, Beetroot juice helps to lower high blood pressure.

Beetroots are rich in Vitamin B, it helps for skin health and hair growth. Including 1 glas Beetroot juice in our diet controls the high blood pressure and also improves the memory power.

1. No Fat : Beetroots doesn't contains fat as it helps us to reduce the desire of eating sweet. It will be beneficial for those who are dieting.

2. Boosts the Energy : Beetroots contains Carbohydrates and it helps to give instant energy.

3. Folic Acid : Folic Acid is essential for women as it helps to develop the fertility system. Instead of taking pills, Including Beetroot in your diet is the natural way of gaining folic acid in our body.

4. Nutrition : Many Parents feel that we are lack in providing nutritious food to the children, So Beetroots are the best nutritious foods as it contains Vitamin A, C, Magnesium, Calcium, Minerals, Potassium, Iron helps to provide the required energy and supplements to our body.

5. For Healthy Heart : Are you suffering from High blood pressure? then take 1 glass of beetroot juice daily. It Contains Nitrates, when it mixed with blood it produces nitric oxide which helps to reduce the blood pressure so can we yield good healthy condition heart.

6. Beetroot Juice : Taking Beetroot juice daily gives lot of benefits to us. It just contains not only Nitartes, these are the rich sources of Vitamins, Minerals, Amino acids. It also have the characteristic of fighting against cancer causing agents.

Photo: *** 6 Health Benefits of Beetroots ***

Health benefits of Beetroots, Beetroots for healthy heart, Beetroot juice helps to lower high blood pressure.

Beetroots are rich in Vitamin B, it helps for skin health and hair growth. Including 1 glas Beetroot juice in our diet controls the high blood pressure and also improves the memory power.

1. No Fat : Beetroots doesn't contains fat as it helps us to reduce the desire of eating sweet. It will be beneficial for those who are dieting.

2. Boosts the Energy : Beetroots contains Carbohydrates and it helps to give instant energy.

3. Folic Acid : Folic Acid is essential for women as it helps to develop the fertility system. Instead of taking pills, Including Beetroot in your diet is the natural way of gaining folic acid in our body.

4. Nutrition : Many Parents feel that we are lack in providing nutritious food to the children, So Beetroots are the best nutritious foods as it contains Vitamin A, C, Magnesium, Calcium, Minerals, Potassium, Iron helps to provide the required energy and supplements to our body.

5. For Healthy Heart : Are you suffering from High blood pressure? then take 1 glass of beetroot juice daily. It Contains Nitrates, when it mixed with blood it produces nitric oxide which helps to reduce the blood pressure so can we yield good healthy condition heart.

6. Beetroot Juice : Taking Beetroot juice daily gives lot of benefits to us. It just contains not only Nitartes, these are the rich sources of Vitamins, Minerals, Amino acids. It also have the characteristic of fighting against cancer causing agents.

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10 Tips for Quitting Smoking

1. Commit Thyself Fully. In the quits that failed, I was only half into it. I told myself I wanted to quit, but I always felt in the back of my mind that I’d fail. I didn’t write anything down, I didn’t tell everybody (maybe my wife, but just her). This time, I wrote it down. I wrote down a plan. I blogged about it. I made a vow to my daughter. I told family and friends I was quitting. I went online and joined a quit forum. I had rewards. Many of these will be in the following tips, but the point is that I fully committed, and there was no turning back. I didn’t make it easy for myself to fail.
2. Make a Plan. You can’t just up and say, “I’m gonna quit today.” You have to prepare yourself. Plan it out. Have a system of rewards, a support system, a person to call if you’re in trouble. Write down what you’ll do when you get an urge. Print it out. Post it up on your wall, at home and at work. If you wait until you get the urge to figure out what you’re going to do, you’ve already lost. You have to be ready when those urges come.
3. Know Your Motivation. When the urge comes, your mind will rationalize. “What’s the harm?” And you’ll forget why you’re doing this. Know why you’re doing this BEFORE that urge comes. Is it for your kids? For your wife? For you health? So you can run? Because the girl you like doesn’t like smokers? Have a very good reason or reasons for quitting. List them out. Print them out. Put it on a wall. And remind yourself of those reasons every day, every urge.
4. Not One Puff, Ever (N.O.P.E.). The mind is a tricky thing. It will tell you that one cigarette won’t hurt. And it’s hard to argue with that logic, especially when you’re in the middle of an urge. And those urges are super hard to argue with. Don’t give in. Tell yourself, before the urges come, that you will not smoke a single puff, ever again. Because the truth is, that one puff WILL hurt. One puff leads to a second, and a third, and soon you’re not quitting, you’re smoking. Don’t fool yourself. A single puff will almost always lead to a recession. DO NOT TAKE A SINGLE PUFF!
5. Join a Forum. One of the things that helped the most in this quit was an online forum for quitters ( … you don’t feel so alone when you’re miserable. Misery loves company, after all. Go online, introduce yourself, get to know the others who are going through the exact same thing, post about your crappy experience, and read about others who are even worse than you. Best rule: Post Before You Smoke. If you set this rule and stick to it, you will make it through your urge. Others will talk you through it. And they’ll celebrate with you when you make it through your first day, day 2, 3, and 4, week 1 and beyond. It’s great fun.
6. Reward Yourself. Set up a plan for your rewards. Definitely reward yourself after the first day, and the second, and the third. You can do the fourth if you want, but definitely after Week 1 and Week2. And month 1, and month 2. And 6 months and a year. Make them good rewards, that you’ll look forward to: CDs, books, DVDs, T-shirts, shoes, a massage, a bike, a dinner out at your favorite restaurant, a hotel stay … whatever you can afford. Even better: take whatever you would have spent on smoking each day, and put it in a jar. This is your Rewards Jar. Go crazy! Celebrate your every success! You deserve it.
7. Delay. If you have an urge, wait. Do the following things: take 10 deep breaths. Drink water. Eat a snack (at first it was candy and gum, then I switched to healthier stuff like carrots and frozen grapes and pretzels). Call your support person. Post on your smoking cessation forum. Exercise. DO WHATEVER IT TAKES, BUT DELAY, DELAY, DELAY. You will make it through it, and the urge will go away. When it does, celebrate! Take it one urge at a time, and you can do it.
8. Replace Negative Habits with Positive Ones. What do you do when you’re stressed? If you currently react to stress with a cigarette, you’ll need to find something else to do. Deep breathing, self massage of my neck and shoulders, and exercise have worked wonders for me. Other habits, such as what you do first thing in the morning, or what you do in the car, or wherever you usually smoke, should be replaced with better, more positive ones. Running has been my best positive habit, altho I have a few others that replaced smoking.
9. Make it Through Hell Week, then Heck Week, and You’re Golden. The hardest part of quitting is the first two days. If you can get past that, you’ve passed the nicotine withdrawal stage, and the rest is mostly mental. But all of the first week is hell. Which is why it’s called Hell Week. After that, it begins to get easier. Second week is Heck Week, and is still difficult, but not nearly as hellish as the first. After that, it was smooth sailing for me. I just had to deal with an occasional strong urge, but the rest of the urges were light, and I felt confident I could make it through anything.
10. If You Fall, Get Up. And Learn From Your Mistakes. Yes, we all fail. That does not mean we are failures, or that we can never succeed. If you fall, it’s not the end of the world. Get up, brush yourself off, and try again. I failed numerous times before succeeding. But you know what? Each of those failures taught me something. Well, sometimes I repeated the same mistakes several times, but eventually I learned. Figure out what your obstacles to success are, and plan to overcome them in your next quit. And don’t wait a few months until your next quit. Give yourself a few days to plan and prepare, commit fully to it, and go for it!
BONUS TIP #11: THINK POSITIVE. This is the most important tip of all. I saved it for last. If you have a positive, can-do attitude, as corny as it may sound, you will succeed. Trust me. It works. Tell yourself that you can do it, and you will. Tell yourself that you can’t do it, and you definitely won’t. When things get rough, think positive! You CAN make it through the urge. You CAN make it through Hell Week. And you can. I did. So have millions of others. We are no better than you. (In my case, worse.)
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10 Tips for studying:

1. Find your study space

Everyone has their own idea about the best place to study. Find a space that works for you and stick with it.
  • Do you prefer to study in silence or listen to music?
  • Do you work better alone or with other people?
  • Do you like to study at home or at school/uni/TAFE/library?

2. Be organised

Make sure you have all the materials you need in your study space before you start studying. Getting up to look for a pencil sharpener or ruler will break your concentration and waste your time.

3. Clear your mind

If you’ve got a lot on your mind take a moment to write yourself some notes about what you're thinking about before you start studying. This will help to clear your mind you focus all your thoughts on your work.
It’s also a good idea to keep some spare paper next to you while you’re studying so if you think of anything you need to do later you can write it down and put it out of your mind, then get on with the studying.

4. Get motivated

Think about what it will mean for you if you do well in your studies. How will it make you feel? If you keep the end result in mind it will help you stay motivated.
You might like to find a quote or an image or something that represents success for you and put it somewhere you can see it while you’re studying.

5. Plan your time (and use it well)

It helps to plan when you will study and how you can make the most of your study time.
Use a calendar or a list of dates or a wall planner to keep track of exam dates and assignment due dates. Plan ahead. Space out your study time each week for the whole term/semester - don’t try to cram it all in the night before!
Do the hardest work when you’re feeling your best. Save the easy stuff for when you’re tired.
Set yourself a time limit for each task and follow it.

6. Know your learning style

Most of us have a preferred way of learning. Get to know your learning style and study in the ways you learn best.
Auditory learners learn by listening. If you’re an auditory learner you could try reading your notes aloud and discussing them with other people. You might like to record key points and play them back.
Visual learners learn by seeing. If you’re a visual learner you could use colours in your notes and draw diagrams to help represent key points. You could try to remember some ideas as images.
Tactile/kinesthetic learners learn by doing. If you’re a tactile/kinesthetic learner you could use methods like role-playing or building models to revise key points.
Courseworks at the University of Melbourne has a quick quiz you can take (new window) to see what kind of learner you are.

7. Use your notes

Taking detailed notes in class will save you heaps of time later. Re-writing and adding to your notes is a great way to revise what you’ve learned.
Check out this online Study Skills Library for explanations of five note-taking systems (new window).

8. Make your own study materials

Think up some practice exam questions or create your own flash cards to help you study. This way you learn it all twice: once when you make the study materials and twice when you use them to revise.

9. Test yourself

Don’t wait for an exam to test your knowledge – test yourself first. Get a friend or family member to quiz you on key concepts or offer to help other students with their work. It’s a great way to get confident with what you do know and find out what you still need to learn!

10. Take time out

You study better when you're feeling good. So make sure you eat well and get enough sleep. Exercise is great but don’t overdo it.
It’s also a good idea to schedule regular breaks when you’re studying and keep hydrated. You’ll study better if you take care of yourself.

Come up with your own strategies

Remember - these tips are only some of the things that you can do to get the most out of your studying. There might be other things that work even better for you. 
Ask around - find out what your friends do when they're studying - maybe some of their tricks will work for you too! Maybe your teachers have some good recommendations too. 
Whatever it is, whatever strategy you come up with, when you find something that works for you, put it into practise and go for it!
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Fact About Tea & health benefits ~

Fact About Tea & health benefits ~

Tea leaves come from the Camellia sinensis plant. They contain antioxidants that counter free radicals, which can damage cells. Antioxidants may reduce or help prevent some of this damage. 

The difference between the three main varieties of tea (green, black, and oolong) is the process used to make them. Black tea is exposed to air, or fermented, which darkens the leaves and gives them flavor. Green tea is made by heating or quickly steaming the leaves. Oolong tea leaves are partially fermented.

Some studies show that drinking green tea may help curb a few heart disease risk factors, including body weight, blood pressure, and cholesterol absorption. However, the FDA denied a petition filed by a green tea maker that wanted to put heart-health claims on its product's label, ruling that there wasn’t credible scientific evidence to support the claims. There’s no hard evidence that drinking tea can prevent cancer in people in general; many factors affect cancer risk. However, several studies have linked drinking tea to a lower risk of cancer for some people.

Herbal teas are not made from the Camellia sinensis plant and are not really teas at all. Herbal teas are an infusion of leaves, roots, bark, seeds, or flowers from other types of plants. Common herbal teas include chamomile and mint. They are not associated with the potential health benefits of green, black, or oolong tea.

You get the most antioxidants from freshly brewed tea; those compounds are reduced in instant tea, decaffeinated tea, and bottled tea. Researchers have not determined how many cups of freshly brewed green tea are recommended each day, but people in Asia typically drink at least three cups daily.

Photo: Fact About Tea & health benefits ~

Tea leaves come from the Camellia sinensis plant. They contain antioxidants that counter free radicals, which can damage cells. Antioxidants may reduce or help prevent some of this damage. 

The difference between the three main varieties of tea (green, black, and oolong) is the process used to make them. Black tea is exposed to air, or fermented, which darkens the leaves and gives them flavor. Green tea is made by heating or quickly steaming the leaves. Oolong tea leaves are partially fermented. 

Some studies show that drinking green tea may help curb a few heart disease risk factors, including body weight, blood pressure, and cholesterol absorption. However, the FDA denied a petition filed by a green tea maker that wanted to put heart-health claims on its product's label, ruling that there wasn’t credible scientific evidence to support the claims. There’s no hard evidence that drinking tea can prevent cancer in people in general; many factors affect cancer risk. However, several studies have linked drinking tea to a lower risk of cancer for some people.

Herbal teas are not made from the Camellia sinensis plant and are not really teas at all. Herbal teas are an infusion of leaves, roots, bark, seeds, or flowers from other types of plants. Common herbal teas include chamomile and mint. They are not associated with the potential health benefits of green, black, or oolong tea. 

You get the most antioxidants from freshly brewed tea; those compounds are reduced in instant tea, decaffeinated tea, and bottled tea. Researchers have not determined how many cups of freshly brewed green tea are recommended each day, but people in Asia typically drink at least three cups daily.

5 Tips For Jogging

1. Get the right running shoes.

Runners in race
Wearing the right running shoes is the key to comfort and injury prevention. Visit a running specialty store to get fitted for the right running shoes for your foot type and running style. Also, make sure you don't run in worn-out running shoes – they should 

2. Make sure you warm up and cool down.

Trail running
A good warm-up signals to your body that it will have to start working soon. By slowly raising your heart rate, the warm-up also helps minimize stress on your heart when you start your run. So you should start your runs with a brisk walk, followed by very easy jogging for a few minutes. The cool down allows your heart rate and blood pressure fall gradually, so it's important that you end your run with a slow 5-minute jog or walk.  be replaced every 300-400 miles.

3. Learn the proper upper body form.

Runner outside in fall weather
Improper upper body form can lead to pain in your arms, shoulders, neck, and back. Try to keep your hands at waist level, right about where they might lightly brush your hip. Your arms should be at a 90 degree angle, with your elbows at your sides. Keep your posture straight and erect. Your head should be up, your back straight, and shoulders level. 

4. Don't worry about pace.

Two women running
As a beginner, most of your runs should be at an easy or "conversational" pace. You should be able to breathe very easily and carry on a conversation. Don't worry about your pace per mile -- if you can pass the "talk test", you're moving at the right speed. Starting out with this type of easy running will help prevent overtraining and overuse injuries

5. Try a run/walk approach.

Man and Woman walking
Most beginner runners start out using a run/walk technique because they don't have the endurance or fitness to run for extended periods of time. The run/walk method involves running for a short segment and then taking a walk break. As you continue with a run/walk program, the goal is to extend the amount of time you're running and reduce your walking time. 
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During a recent visit to an optician, one of my friend was told of an exercise for the eyes by a specialist doctor that he termed as 20-20-20. It is apt for all of us, who spend long hours at our desks, looking at the computer screen.

I Thought I'd share it with you.


Step I :-

After every 20 minutes of looking into the computer screen, turn your head and try to look at any object placed at least 20 feet away. This changes the focal length of your eyes, a must-do for the tired eyes.

Step II :-

Try and blink your eyes for 20 times in succession, to moisten them.

Step III :-

Time permitting of course, one should walk 20 paces after every 20 minutes of sitting in one particular posture. Helps blood circulation for the entire body.

Circulate among all if you care. They say that your eyes are mirrors of your soul, so do take care of them, they are priceless.

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Health Benefits of Apple Juice

Health Benefits of Apple Juice

1. Reduced Risk of Heart Diseases

Apple juice prevents cholesterol to form in your blood vessels and arteries. High cholesterol level and plaques in the arteries are one of the major causes of heart diseases. By drinking apple juice you reduce the risk of heart diseases.

2. Cleaner Organism and Improved Digestion

Apple juice (especially raw apple juice) helps to clean the liver and kidneys from harmful toxins. As a result, you have a cleaner organism and you are better protected against liver and kidney diseases.

3. Apple Juice is Great for Weight Loss

This health benefit of apple juice is loved by weight conscious persons. Cholesterol and calories are two major causes of extra weight. Apple juice is basically free of calories and fat + it protects you from cholesterol.

4. Excellent Source of Energy

Apple juice is packed with different vitamins – A, C, E, K, B1, B2, B6 and Folate, so it is an excellent source of energy. As a result, it is a great drink to restore your energy after a physical exercise.

5. Lower Risk of Dementia

Some studies have shown that apple juice lowers the risk of dementia in older people. Apple juice slows brain aging and helps to keep it sharp for longer time.

6. Improved Vision and Eye Health

Apple juice contains vitamin A, which is good for your eyes. Vitamin A helps you to protect your eyes from eye diseases and keeps your sight sharp.

Those were the most important health benefits of apple juice. As a conclusion there is one advice we can give you – drink apple juice and enjoy good health

10 Tips About getting a six pack!!

Six Pa

A six-pack is the ultimate sign of fitness and strength - both physically and mentally - because without patience, hard work and sheer determination, your chances of achieving solid washboard abs are akin to winning the lottery.
You must adhere to a strict low fat diet and do plenty of exercise, for no matter how many crunches you do, your six-pack will not becoming apparent until the layer of fat covering them is gone. So, with that in mind, here are 10 things you must do to make your six-pack dream a reality.
Eat small regular meals throughout the day
"For those aspiring for a chiselled mid-section, reducing body fat is vital," says Simon Jurkiw, a nutritionist fromMaximuscle, one of Europe's largest sports nutrition brands. "Everyone has abdominal muscles, however, most can't see them due to the layer of fat covering them.
"Small balanced meals help to regulate blood sugar levels which, in turn, minimises unnecessary insulin release, which will result in fewer food cravings and less fat storage."
Perform cardiovascular exercise
Man doing bench press with dumbbells (© Image © John Serbey)
"While cardiovascular exercise is not specifically a pre-requisite for a six pack, for most, cardiovascular exercise is required to manipulate calorie levels, which helps to burn the unwanted fat from around the abs," says Jurkiw.
"The role of cardiovascular exercise in obtaining a perfect six pack is simply to increase energy expenditure," he says. "Forty-five minutes on the cross trainer will not only burn off calories, but will continue to increase the metabolism for a prolonged period after."
Don't overdo it
"The abs will be working whether you do hundreds of reps or just perform one or two," says Tony Lyons, head personal training instructor at Soho Gyms.
"Abs are high rep muscles, so l don't see the point of going over twenty five reps. Just change the exercise or increase the intensity of each rep to add resistance."
Sports nutrition
Man working out (© Image © John Serbey)
While nutrition and exercise play fundamental roles in manipulating calorie expenditure, there are other tools available to increase the rate of fat burning, says Jurkiw.
"Nutrients such as caffeine and green tea have been shown to increase the metabolism as well as increasing the amount of fat the body uses as fuel," he says. "This is an ideal complement to a training and nutrition plan. One such product is Thermobol, from Maximuscle, which contains a blend of nutrients."
Abdominal exercise
"An abdominal training plan should focus on all areas of the stomach, not just lots of sit-ups," says Jurkiw. A balanced abdominal training session could incorporate a circuit of:
- Sit-ups
- Sit-ups with a twist (so right elbow goes across to left knee and vice versa)
- Hanging leg raises (bring knees up to make it easier)
- Plank
- Side plank
Maintain good posture
Man doing dumbbell curl (© Image © John Serbey)
Sit-ups are the best form of exercise to help target and strengthen your mid-section, however; a lot of men fall short when executing them properly due to a lack of posture.
"You should hold your shoulders back when engaging your core workout to reap the full benefits of each sit-up," says Lyons. "You can also use a Swiss ball to practice your balance, which again will activate your core."
Shake it up a little
There's nothing fun about doing sits-ups all day, but you can help beat the boredom by including some variation into your abdominal workouts.
"Perform a variety of exercises on your abs training day so you don't get bored," says Lyons. "Change your routine around. Use a Swiss ball one day and in the following workout use a TRX."
Prioritise your workouts
Man working out (© Image © John Serbey)
Lyons says that while cardio workouts are vital for burning fat, they can hinder your performance throughout the rest of your gym session, simply because they make you tired.
He says: "Most people often leave their abs workout till the end of their training routine when they're possibly rushed for time or are too tired, which is why you should sometimes start your workout off with abdominal workouts."
Target the weaker areas first
Your abdominal muscles have three different sections: the upper, middle and lower abdominals. Each requires different workouts, as no singular exercise will effectively target all three. Lyons says that it's best to start work on the weaker lower abdominals first before targeting the stronger areas.
He says: "Make sure you work on the weakest part of your abs first -upper, middle, lower or intercostals [the muscles between your rib and chest]," he says. "Getting the most difficult one out of the way at the start will mean you can put maximum effort into the rest of your workout."
Pick your parents wisely
"Genetics will play a role in muscle fibre distribution and fat distribution," says Jurkiw. "Some people find it easy to have washboard abs, whereas others have to work a bit harder for it. Fat storage will play an important role - some are genetically predisposed to store fat around the abdominal region, whereas others will store fat in other areas