Monday 24 June 2013

Want to grow taller fast?

  • Hanging:
hanging exercise
If you read few articles before this one then you must hear about hanging exercise.Hanging exercise is very important exercise for grow taller. In hanging exercise you need to take advantage from gravity by hanging on a pole. It is not necessary to go hanging exercise every day but make sure you need to do this exercise for at least 3 days in a week. You only need to do this exercise for 10-15 minutes in a day.Hanging is a type of stretching exercise which stretch your bones and make them taller.

  • Toe Touch:
You see people do this exercise often. Toe touch exercise is very simple it is all about standing straight while keeping hands straight above the hands and then bend back to touch the toe while keeping knees straight. This exercise increases reflexes in your muscles and bones and make sure you keep on doing this exercise till you easily touch the toe without any problems.

  • The Down Hill Exercise:
This exercise is very similar your toe touch exercise but the difference in this exercise is that you don’t need to touch your toes and you need to keep your hands behind your back. The correct ways to do this exercise is stand straight while keeping your hands behind and then bend your back as much as you can while keeping your knees straight. This exercise is also increases reflexes in your body.

  • Pull ups:
This exercise is similar to hanging exercise. In this exercise you need to hang yourself with the rod and then try to lift yourself up. This is difficult exercise and need some experience in doing it properly. Try to do 1-2 reps and try to increase it slowly. This is difficult but very important exercise for how to grow taller. This exercise will increase the growth of your lower back.

  • Cobra:
cobra exercise
Cobra exercises increase your growth of your spine cord. In this exercise you need to lie on front on the floor, keep your hands on the floor and then try to lift your spine cord and lift your chin.

  • Super cobra:
This is the advance version of cobra exercise. First you need to master cobra exercise then you need to do this exercise. This exercise starts from the ending position of cobra exercise. At the end of one rep of cobra exercise you need to lift you lower back and formed ‘V’ position of your body.
  • Bow Down exercise:
In this exercise you need to stand straight then keep your hands behind your head then bend your back towards.

  • Basic Leg stretch:
This is great exercise to grow taller. For perform this exercise you need to sit on the floor, stretch your legs. Now bend your back towards left leg and touch your toe then back to your normal position and then bend towards right toe. Keep on doing this exercise for 5-6 reps.

  • Pelvic Shift exercise:
For performing this exercise you need to lay on the floor with the back then keep your both hands on the floor and then try to lift your back.
These are the exercise that help you to grow taller but if you want to know how to grow taller then it is very necessary to follow proper diet plan because without proper diet plan you will not grow taller. Exercise is necessary for growing taller but diet speeds up the process of growing taller. Some fitness expert found that yoga exercise is one of the best ways to increase height. But the problem is that most of the Yoga information that is provide online is either incomplete or not correct that is why I suggest you to join yoga classes to grow your height.

Best Grow taller diet?

If you are serious about increasing your height then you need to put special attention in your diet. Proper nutrition diet is very necessary to increase your height.
Proteins are very important food for your bones. Protein also increases your bones and muscles. Some people call protein as a food for muscles because it gives energy in your body. Some protein rich foods are eggs, meat and dairy product.
I am sure you already know the importance of calcium for teeth and bones. It is very important to give enough calcium to your bones to make them stronger and longer. Calcium is the food for bones and its keeps your bones stronger though out your whole life. The great sources of obtaining calcium are milk and cheese.
Vitamins especially vitamins D is very important for growing taller. Great source for obtaining vitamin D is fish. Another great of obtaining vitamins D is by sunlight. When the rays of sun hits your body then your body generates vitamins D.
These three minerals you should include in your diet if you want to increase your height. Other than these three minerals you should include magnesium and zinc in your daily diet.
Exercise and diet increase your height quickly. But some people still don’t mange to increase height with the help of exercise and proper diet, the main reason is that they don’t take proper sleep. Here are 2 more tips that gives you height gain.
  1. Make sure you get enough sleep. When you sleep your bones gets relax. Make sure you at least sleep for 10 hours in a day.
  2. Play some sports to grow taller. Sports like basketball, swimming and baseball increases reflexes in your bones and muscles.
With the combination of exercise, diet and above these two tips you will surely increase your height. Growing taller process take up to 2-3 months that is why it is important for you to keep following proper strategy and surely you will see results in few months.
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